Paints and Coatings with RDP Chemicals


Midland Chemicals’ Paints and Coatings, enriched with our superior Redispersible Polymer Powder (RDP), are engineered for exceptional adhesion and durability. This product range offers a versatile base for various paint finishes, ensuring a seamless and long-lasting result. It prevents flaking and ensures long-lasting protection. With Midland Chemicals’ Paints and Coatings, contractors and builders can rely on a product that not only enhances the visual appeal of surfaces but also offers reliability and longevity.



RDP improves adhesion properties, preventing flaking and ensuring a smoother and more durable finish.

Yes, Midland Chemicals' Paints and Coatings are suitable for both interior and exterior applications.

Absolutely, our Paints and Coatings provide a versatile base for various paint finishes, ensuring a seamless look.

It can be easily mixed and applied using standard procedures. Detailed instructions are provided in the product manual for optimal results.

Yes, our Paints and Coatings are versatile enough to be applied on a variety of textured surfaces, providing a smooth and even finish.

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